Share your Python Stories

Have you ever used Python to build something awesome? If yes, We would love to hear and post about it.

If you have something interesting to share with the world, we can help it reach more people by our distribution.

You can include any links (in fact, you’re encouraged to do so) to any outside sources, including and preferably your blog, social media, twitter, Facebook, GitHub etc.

We will create an author page for you as well where you can share further details as well.

Why write for us?

1. Subscribers

  • We send all our posts to our subscribers weekly. Currently, we have 200+ subscribers which are increasing as you are reading this.

2. Readers

  • We get 10K hits to our blog monthly.
  • You can link to your other profiles where ever you feel necessary.

4. Open source

  • This blog is hosted on GitHub pages and you can create a Pull Request with your post. This simplifies our editing process to a great extent and makes it a lot easier.

5. Social sharing your post

  • We share your posts on Twitter, Reddit and HackerNews which adds more eyes to what you are writing.

If you are interested send an email to us or open a Pull Request.

Follow us on Twitter.